St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church
400 N. Broadway Street, Medina, Ohio 44256 (330) 725-8885
For financial assistance, please call (330) 725-8886 Ext 60
Small Group
The Small Group Ministry seeks to provide opportunities for the post high school adults and families at St. Matthew to meet together for fellowship, study and activities both at church and also outside of the congregation. While we focus on family events, we rotate to hold events geared towards women, men, single, etc. We help to integrate visitors and new members into the life of our congregation. We are always open to encouraging new opportunities as they arise... like Hayrides & Chili Cook-offs, Bike Rides, Golf Outings, Cedar Point, "Wine in the Woods", Ice Coffee Bar before service, Men's Gathering for the Brown's Game, Fishing with Pastor Bill, Beer Making, Biking a Board, Wine Tasting...and a Foundry Social.
Fellowship Events
Men's Breakfast
Pastor's Bible Study
Luther Ladies' Bible Study
Men's Bible Study
Senior Happy Hour
Family Activities
Cedar Point Outing July 27, 2022

Men's Football Meet-up
Oct. 9, 2022
Shook Barn
Golf Outing June 16, 2022

Bicycle Ride 6-3-22

Hayride & Chili Cook-Off
October 16, 2022

Cedar Point July 12, 2023