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All that we have comes  from God

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Psalm 24:1-2 tells us:

The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and those who live in it;  for he has founded it on the seas, and established it on the rivers. 

What does this mean?

It means “If God is the source of the abilities that allow me to live a more than comfortable life, then there is no room left for me to imagine that I am the source of my good life.  God is.  God calls on me to use what He has entrusted to me.  Rather than taking credit for my wealth, my wealth ought to cause me to ponder why God has chosen to bless me.”

Please consider increasing your offering to support the church and its mission of Living God’s Love.
Thank you for your continued generosity.

By setting up recurring donations online, you enable us to maintain financial stability and plan for the future of St. Matthew. Please consider signing up for Simply Giving at:

or click on the Online "Give Here" button below.

If you have any questions about your current account or setting up your account, contact our
Financial Director Bruce Reed at (412) 848-0219 or email Bruce at .

How Can I Give?

Offering Plate
(in person)

"Simply Giving"

By Mail

Legacy Gifts*


SPECIAL NOTE: St. Matthew has set-up in Simply Giving easy access for donations directly to the Renovation / Refresh Project. Please check it out and contribute as you are able. If you have any questions about your current account or setting up your account, contact our Financial Director Bruce Reed at (412) 848-0219 or email Bruce at .


* Legacy Gifts, sometimes generally referred to as “planned giving,” are donations made by an individual through a will or other formal designation. Legacy gifts are typically meant to reflect the values and desires of the donor. As the name suggests, most donors want to leave a legacy or memory of their life through their posthumous giving.  In most cases, a legacy gift is made upon someone’s death, but not always. Legacy giving can take a number of forms, including recurring donations that begin while the donor is alive and continue after they’re deceased. And legacy gifts don’t have to be monetary, either. They can include material goods, property, stocks—anything that’s of value to the beneficiary.

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