St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church
400 N. Broadway Street, Medina, Ohio 44256 (330) 725-8885
For financial assistance, please call (330) 725-8886 Ext 60
Stay Updated on Our Latest News and Events
See below for more detail.
Sept 14 God's Work. Our Hands.
Sept 16 Silent Book Club
Sept 19 Kids of the Kingdom rehearsals resume
Sept 20 Senior Connections Day
Sept 22 Hat Making
Sept 23 Senior Fellowship (Games) (1:00 in Brown Room)
Sept 29 Luther Middles Food Drive (9:45-10:45, 12:00-1:00)
Sep 29 Luther League Spaghetti Dinner + Dessert Auction
Oct 6 Baby Shower
Oct 7 Silent Book Club
Oct 13 Hat Making
Oct 20 Fun Fellowship Fall Festival
Oct 21 Halloween Book Club
Oct 27 Reformation Sunday
Confirmation Reception (9:45) + Affirmation of Baptism (11:00)
Oct 27 Loads of Love
Nov 17 Congregation Meeting
Nov 17 LL - Thanksgiving Dinner for Senior Members
Nov 18 Book Club Food Drive
Dec 15 Christmas Program + Youth-led worship (9:30 am)
Dec 24 Christmas Eve Services at 4:00 pm and 9:00 pm
Sunday School
Age 3 - 12th Grade
President: Anna Holthouse
Vice President: August Weight Secretary: Kaitlyn Taraschke Treasurer:Trevor Rohde
Make a joyful noise onto the Lord with your gift of singing. Consider joining the choir!
Wednesdays 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
in the Brown Room.
New members are welcome!!!
Resumes September 19
Thursdays at 6:00-6:45 p.m.
in the sanctuary.
All friends are welcome.
Any questions? Ask Rachel Knaggs.
for Deacon Lindsay and Austin
Sunday, October 6, 12:30-2:30
Fellowship Hall
Also click here if you can
donate food items.
B.Y.O.B. Bring your own book.
1st and 3rd Mondays
6:30 at Faith House
(432 N. Broadway)
Dates for the rest of 2024:
September 16, October 7, October 21,
November 4, November 18,
December 2, December 16
We welcome
donations to the
Free Little Library.
All book types are
Looms of Love is making hats for the homeless in Cleveland to be distributed at Christmas. They meet the 2nd and 4th Sunday at 9:45 in the Library. Note the updated time. If you would like to help, please contact Delores Ivan.
Our weekly Shoutout wants to highlight our families/individuals from St. Matthew. Please join in on the fun, and tell us about YOU! Click Here.
God's work. Our hands. Spirit Wear.
The online store for ordering GWOH t-shirts is open. T-shirts are available in adult and youth sizes and are $11 each. All shirts will be distributed at St. Matthew in early September.
Please click HERE.
If you will not be ordering your shirt online, please use the sign up sheet in the narthex and make payment to St. Matthew ELC with a memo indicating its intent.
Questions can be directed to Barb Woodard, Melody Costello, or Stephanie Hess
This is the eleventh year for this event for the ELCA. We will
be sharing this time with the cluster churches. The date will
be Saturday morning, September 14, 2024, at 10 AM at St.
Matthew. There will be a sign up sheet soon with the
addition of sizes for those who wish to purchase t-shirts.
Barb Woodard, Melody Costello, and Stephanie Hess are
members of the cluster church planning committee. St.
Matthew will be hosting the event. We will need volunteers to
help out. Closer to September 14, we will be asking for volunteers to help set up, tear down, and fix food for the luncheon. Keep the date open on your calendar and be ready
to volunteer.
For an organization, “For the Greater Good”, we will be assembling 150 packages of care kits for the homeless men in Cuyahoga County, We plan to have stations and an assembly method that is inclusive for those with mobility challenges to be able to participate. 50 additional kits will be distributed to members of our congregations to be passed out upon encountering someone in need.
We are asking for the following donations of items
for the above kits for men:
Deodorant Toothbrush Shampoo
Combs/hair piks Band-Aids Bar soap
Canvas/plastic re-usable grocery shopping bags
to package the care kits
Cash donations are being accepted, including Thrivent grant dollars, to be used to purchase (in bulk) the following items to be included in the kits: Men’s white t-shirts (various sizes), men’s underwear, men’s crew socks, wash cloths, and gallon-size zip lock bags to pack the hygiene items in the care kits.
The deadline for collecting items and cash donations is Sunday, August 18. Checks should be made out to “St. Matthew Lutheran Church” with a memo note “GWOH”.
Forest Meadows Villa Community Room
Thursdays at 7:00pm
We will be studying the Book of Proverbs.
Bring a Bible/reading device; beverage and snack if you wish.
All are welcome to join the study!
We will NOT have Bible and Brew on the following dates:
October 10
October 31
November 28
December 26
January 2, 2025
Our next “Loads of Love” will take place Sunday, October 27. North Court Laundry, 1-4pm
Watch for further details.
Mary Dunham, Recording Secretary of the St. Matthew Finance Committee, has been awarded a grant of $2,200 by the St. John/St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church Endowment Fund (c/o Faith Lutheran Church, Fairlawn, OH) enabling Faith-based organizations to share God’s gifts with those in need. The award is to be used for our “Loads of Love” ministry! This will make it possible for the Evangelism and Communication team to offer this special outreach, four times throughout the year, sharing and expressing God’s love through our actions.
According to Mary, after serving as a LOL volunteer: “I was told, “nothing like this ever happens to me,” and another man, said, “I don’t know what to say, I just want to cry.” One man shared his story of being a veteran and he worked hard so he could retire and that he was a musician. I asked what instruments he played and invited him to share his musical gifts at our church. Several times I was asked, “now, what is the name of your church?” Not sure how you measure something like that.”
We thank Mary for her volunteerism, and for her grant-writing.
Have you downloaded the NEW app
for the Church directory?
Click Here for the MyUCD (Universal Church Directory) app!
Meet in the library,
Thursdays at 2:00 p.m.
Please contact Barb Woodard if you are willing to serve as a substitute in our Nursery.
Call Barb at 330-321-2408
or send her an email.
(aka. Pastor's Discretionary Fund)
Please contribute via check, payable to St. Matthew (Note in the Memo)
to help with immediate needs such as an extra night in a motel, cash, food, etc.
Gift Cards Are Needed!
Walmart, Buehler's, Aldi, Giant Eagle or Gas Cards are needed for local residents in need. Cash or checks may also be donated for the purchase of gift cards. Please make checks payable to St. Matthew, indicating that it is for gift cards. Thank you for your generosity!
T-Coil Announcement
We have upgraded our audio equipment in the sanctuary to include a hearing Loop System.
Most persons with hearing aids can tune in to the Loop.
Some 85% of hearing aids have a T-coil channel already installed. You may need to have your hearing aid specialist activate the T-coil in your hearing aid.
Look for the Hearing Loop symbol around town. Other venues have also installed the loop system and we are happy to be on board. If you don't have assistive devices or an active t-coil,
we have temporary devices to wear during a church service.
Ask an usher for assistance.
If you would like to join our group of volunteers who periodically make or purchase meals (and deliver them) to parishioners at a time of need... please contact Sue Schwab at 330-242-1091 or send her an email.
Look for box in the Narthex.
Will be given to local farmers.
to benefit Ronald McDonald Hose.
Bins in Narthex and next to office.
at St. Matthew
If you would like to assist with this program, contact Jordan Johnston
or the church office.
Tuesdays, 6-7PM
Echelon of Medina, dining room
629 N. Huntington Street
Do you need to sign-up or revise your profile?
(If you need help in changing the electronic giving (ACH) through Vanco please contact Financial Director, Bruce Reed at
(412) 848-0219
Do you have something to share with the congregation and/or community? The Evangelism and Communication Team has developed an easy way to make sure that your message gets delivered completely, immediately and effortlessly. We have many avenues for sharing your message (Shoutout, bulletin, slides, website, FaceBook, newspaper, paid ads, etc.). And now you have only ONE place to go!
Go to the new webpage, "Share Your News" to submit your message.