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Dear Friends,

The Comprehensive Youth Ministry Team at St. Matthew is getting ready to begin another programming year! This year's theme is "God's Kitchen: Ingredients for a Godly Life."

Children age 3 through 12th grade, as well as adults, are invited to participate in a time of
Christian education and faith formation each Sunday
(September 8-May 18) from 9:45-10:45 AM.

Note: Children/adults do not need to be members of St. Matthew to attend! Please share this email and invite your friends, neighbors, and grandchildren!

Click the "REGISTER" button at the end of this email to register your child/children for Sunday School.* Please complete a registration form for each child who will be participating. (Adults do not need to complete a registration.) Please register as soon as possible to assist our teachers and volunteers in their planning!


Mark your calendars for Rally Day on Sunday, September 8!
We will meet in the Sanctuary at 9:45 AM for a Spirit Rally and march across the parking lot to our Rally Day party where there will be games, snacks, and activities! The ENTIRE congregation is invited and encouraged to attend the Spirit Rally and participate in all Rally Day activities! There will also be a blessing for students and their teachers during worship that day.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Deacon Lindsay at or
Julie Shrader at

We are looking forward to a fun year of learning and growing in faith together!


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